Respawn are working hard to tackle cheaters in Apex Legends.
Respawn have revealed that over 6 million Apex Legends accounts have been banned since the game first released. This surprising statistic was shared as part of an update on the games Anti Cheat, following a rise in the number of complaints about cheaters in the game.
During the back end of Season 21, the top level of ranked was almost unplayable, with cheaters rife in every single lobby. Respawn committed to more open dialogue about the issue, sharing a detailed update on X, formerly known as Twitter.
There are more than 100,000 Apex bans on average each month
While it can feel frustrating when you encounter a cheater in Apex, the information shared today shows that action is being taken on a regular basis to fight cheaters. The number shared today also includes bans for reasons other than cheating, including hateful behavior.
With more than 6 million accounts being banned since launch, that works out at more than…
Originally published at by Tom Bull. Read more here.